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Dartavelle Approach to Pancoast Tumors Surgery at MMA

24. 09. 2013

The Clinic for Chest Surgery of the Military Medical Academy performed anterior transcervical technique for resecting Pancoast tumors (Dartevelle approach) in female patient S.N. (age 37). Patient is in stable general condition successfully recovering from operation.
Operative procedure of the left apical lung cancer has been performed using anterior transcervical approach including precisely anterior thoractomy through the third interrib spaces, further continued with partial sternotomy at the superior third of chest bone. It provides the unrestricted access to vital vascular and neurogenic structures of the chest often suffering from these localized tumors which is one of the reasons to consider them unresectable. Prognosis and survival rate for lung cancer affecting principally its apex is considerably improved in the last fifteen years, since French Professor Dr. Phillipe Dartevelle modified and popularized this surgical approach.
Posterior to the treatment which included chemotherapy and radiotherapy thus significantly reducing tumor mass, female patient carried out surgical treatment which helped in removing the tumor completely. For the first time, Military Medical Academy performed this kind of surgical approach.
Surgical team collaborating at the procedure included Major Dr. Nebojsa Maric (specialist in thoracic surgery), Lieutenant Colonel Asst. Prof. Dr. Aleksandar Tomic (specialist in thoracic surgery), Captain Dr. Vanja Kostovski (physician attending specialization in thoracic surgery) and Dr. Vojislava Neskovic (anesthesiologist).
Introducing this approach to daily practice, the MMA Clinic for Chest Surgery became one of the eminent world clinics specialized to perform this type of surgery.

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