The roots of the Cardiology Department are dating from the period of the Second World War, when in 1944, as part of the internal medicine department of the General Hospital of the Yugoslav Army Cardiology clinic was founded, having one ECG machine. Important moments for the history of clinic are dating back to 1949, when Dr. Sava Savić introduced vectorcardiography and when Dr. Djordje Popovic formed a spirometry laboratory and a laboratory for the analysis of gases in the blood and exhaled air. Cardiology Department of the Clinic for Internal Medicine was formed in 1951, and Dr. Ivan Fejgelj, Dr. Djordje Popović, Milorad Jašović and Siniša Kamenica introduced the first cardiac catheterization in these areas within the Radiology Institute. In 1983 this department became the Clinic of Cardiology.

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