
60 Years of the MMA’s Institute of Medical Research

20. 12. 2012

Military Medical Academy hosted the official ceremony to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the Sector of Education and Scientific Research’s Institute of Medical Research of the Military Medical Academy.
Congratulating the Institute’s employees, the MMA’s head Brigadier General Prof. Dr. Marijan Novakovic reminded the present on the importance of their work for the entire Military Medical Academy and contribution of the scientific-research work results for better treatment of the patients. He, also, pointed out the significance of multiple projects adding that following the world trends the MMA’s professionals work on connecting the project results with clinical practice. The Institute’s importance for the institution has been illustrated with the decision to redirect a half of founds obtained through the clinical studies to the needs of scientific-research work.
The head of the Institute of Medical Research Prof. Dr. Zvonko Magic gave a brief review of the history and achieved results especially emphasizing the engagement of Institute scientists in study programs of the MMA’s Medical Faculty, University of Defence.
Established in 1952 as the Institute of Physiopathology, it was intended to improve the scientific work and its practical application in medicine.
The scientific-research work in the field of biomedicine represents the Institute’s principal activity aimed at resolving actual issues of concern to the Serbian Armed Forces Medical Services. The Institute carries out diagnostic and consulting activity concerning immunology, molecular medicine and neurobiochemistry issues.
Four departments operate within its framework: Department of Clinical and Experimental Physiopathology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Immunology, Molecule Medicine Department and Department of Laboratory and Experimental Care and Use of Animals.

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