
8 years of cooperation between the MMA and the Congress Library in Washington D.C.

22. 07. 2009

Belgrade July 22 – Mr. Miliša Petronijević from the Congress Library in Washington D.C. paid a visit to the Military Medical Academy. Thanks to him, the MMA has excellent 8-year long cooperation with the best-known library in the world. Based on that cooperation, the MMA’s library got several hundreds of the most important monographs covering all the fields of medicine, pharmacy and dental medicine. On the other side, results and publications of our experts found their place in the Washington library.

The Military Medical Academy is currently the only institution in Southeast Europe with which the Congress library exchanges professional literature. Enlargement of the MMA’a library holdings with new editions and capital works of biomedical profession and science, secures our library the leading position in Serbia and the region as well.

Thanks to all the efforts Mr. Petronijević has made so far and his willingness to help his country, the MMA’s head, Major General Prof. Dr. Miodrag Jevtić said that the knowledge MMA had acquired through medical publications got from the Congress library was exploited in a proper way to the benefit of those who needed medical help. That knowledge would also be invested into the future of the Serbian medicine since that literature would be made available to the students of the military medicine students at the Military Medical Academy.

Congratulating the MMA’s head on the accreditation of the medical study programs, Mr. Petrponijević said that he believed that all the books the Congress library would be sending in the future would help students become leading medical experts renowned worldwide.

At the end of the visit, the MMA’s head presented the distinguished guest from the U.S.A. a special Letter of Thanks as a token of our gratitude for successful previous and future cooperation as well as copies of Monograph on the MMA and its heads.


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