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Advanced neurological technique introduced into MMA’s clinical practice

10. 11. 2017

Two interventions for removing thrombus from the occluded blood vessel in the acute ischemic stroke were successfully performed at the Military Medical Academy. After these thrombectomies, both patients are in a stable condition, feel well, and they are recovering in the Stroke Unit of the MMA’s Neurology Clinic.
Thrombectomy is an advanced neurological method, which reduces the chances of permanent consequences and is considered a crown treatment of the severe stroke. The interventions were carried out by the multidisciplinary team of the MMA, comprised of the Head of the Group of Neuropsychiatric Clinic of the MMA Col Prof. Dr. Ranko Raicevic, neurologists Prof. Dr. Dragana Obradovic and Lt Col Dr. Bojan Jovanovic, radiologists Lt Col Dr. Sinisa Rusovic and Dr. Miodrag Mihajlovic, anesthesiologists Dr. Krasimirka Grujic and Dr. Daliborka Jacimovic, as well as anesthetists, medical and radiological technicians and other medical personnel.
Bearing in mind that the patients were admitted to the MMA as emergency cases, and given the fact, there was no possibility for the use of thrombolytic therapy - thrombolysis, a team decision was made to carry out thrombectomy, or thrombaspiracy, in accordance with the set protocols. The blood vessel was approached by the catheter, the material was aspirated, after which a collateral circulation was established and symptoms of stroke were withdrawn.
Introduction of modern methods of stroke treatment into a regular clinical practice as a result has significantly improved treatment of this type of disease, and for that kind of a disease is crucial to provide the adequate medical assistance within a limited period of time.

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