
ENT Surgery Aired Online at MMA

14. 03. 2016

An accredited first category course named "ENT Surgery Live - online" organized by the MMA ENT Clinic will be held in the period from 31 March to 1 April, 2016 at the MMA.
During the first day, the lecturers will introduce the attendees with diagnostics and treatment of different pathologic conditions in the field of ENT, while the other part of the course is intended for the online surgical procedures to be aired. Apart from the following of surgical intervention, participants will have an opportunity, completing online registration, to communicate directly with a surgeon in a real time via audio and video link.
The course is accredited under the number А-1-563/16 and it offers 11 CME credits for lecturers and 6 for participants.
Registration and participation is free.
Application deadline, March 25, 2016 and the registration form should be sent to: ugljesa.grgurevic@gmail.com

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