
Education of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard on AIDS Prevention and Control among Military Population

23. 10. 2012

A lecture carrying the title "Prevention and Control of AIDS among Military Population" has been delivered in Belgrade for the members of Serbian Armed Forces Guard and Command for Training. The said education was performed by the MMA’s employees: Prof. Dr. Vesna Suljagic, head of the Section for Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections and Major Dr. Zeljko Jadranin from the Institute of Epidemiology. All attendees received the educative materiel aimed at prevention and control of this severe disease.
Prof. Dr. Vesna Suljagic presented the epidemiological characteristics of AIDS in our country and the world, with a special emphasis on the infections ways of spread. She concluded that "uniform does not protect from this virus" appealing that all should avoid the hazardous ways of behavior and confirming that only application of preventive methods can guarantee the protection from HIV virus.
Major Dr. Zeljko Jadranin introduced the participants with the specific risks of this infection on military members, its significant contribution on global stability and safety, as well as its negative influence on the modern defence system institutions fighting efficiency.
Both lecturers stressed out the importance of "safe" behavior and regular testing on HIV infection. The attendees were introduced with the work of Council for VCCT (Voluntary Confidential Consultation and Testing) working within the framework of the Military Medical Academy where each member of Serbian Armed Forces may come, make test and find out test results. There is also the possibility for competent command to call the Mobile team which would come in the unit/facility and make VCCT of all interested.   
The lecture is included into MMA’s regular activities of military population continuous education concerning the issues of AIDS prevention and control. The first case of AIDS infection has been detected three decades ago. It has been evaluated that risk of AIDS infection in peacetime for the members of military population is twice as big as for civilian population, whilst in war time it shows the increasing risks.

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