
“Emergencies in Internal Medicine-Cardiology and Anesthesiology with Intensive Care”- Course Accomplished

17. 05. 2012

 Military Medical Training Center of the MMA Sector for Education and Scientific Research held continuous medical education course titled “Emergencies in Internal Medicine-Cardiology and Anesthesiology with Intensive Care” at Military Medical Academy in period May 7-9, 2012.
On this occasion the attendees had the possiblity to follow the lectures of distinguished MMA’s professors. They presented the latest achievements necessary to adopt theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of emergency conditions, which directly jeopardize patient’s life. In addition, the listeners could acquire all practical skills in gravity estimation and treatment of acute injured patients respecting at the same time new recommendations in the field of emergency medicine, cardiology and anesthesiology.  
The lecturers covered the topics including cardiology and anesthesiology with intensive therapy, such as: Acute Coronary Syndrome without CT Elevation, Diagnostics and Treatment, Acute Coronary Syndrome with CT Elevation, Acute Heart Insufficiency, Malign Disorders of Heart Rhythm, Application Disorders-Implantation of Temporary Pacemakers, Echocardiography Examination in Emergency Cardiology Conditions, Comatose Patients in Emergence Therapy Unit, Cardiopulmonary Reanimation CPR (Heart Arrest, Heart Massage, Defibrillation, Coma Position, Airway and Ventilation, Asphyxy with Foreign Body and Exercise named Cardiopulmonary Reanimation CPR.
The course gathered 85 physicians, dentists and pharmacists of all profiles, as well as members of both the Ministry of Defence and civilian medical facilities.

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