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Eye examinations for citizens at MMA

28. 02. 2017

On the occasion of the Day of the Military Medical Academy and in organization of the Clinic for Eye Diseases MMA, fundus examinations were organized for citizens suffering from diabetes due to early diagnosis of diabetic complications.
Acting Head of the Military Medical Academy and Head of the Clinic for Eye Diseases Colonel Prof. Dr. Miroslav Vukosavljevic pointed out the importance of the fundus examination as one of the first diagnostic method for determining the existence of diabetes. He reminded that on the preventive ophthalmologic examination, which is advised three times a year independently of the general health of citizens, it is possible to detect the onset of diabetes, and that this type of screening is considered standard in developed European countries.
Military Medical Academy, that every year on the occasion of its birthday organizes examinations of different specialties for the citizens, has organized this year fundus examinations with the aim of drawing public attention to the so-called microvascular complication of diabetes the so called diabetic retinopathy. It, along with numerous risk factors and different stages of development, can lead to severe visual impairment if changes in the retina are not noticed in time.
The eye examination at the Cabinet of Eye Diseases MMA can be done having a referral from a chosen doctor at the Outpatient Clinic in the afternoon, as well as in any other specialized ophthalmologic institution.

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