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First entrance exam for basic professional studies for nurses at MMA

25. 07. 2017

The first generation of candidates for the enrollment in the basic vocational studies – a program of vocational nurse for the school year 2017/18 had the entrance exam at the Medical Faculty of the Military Academy of the University of Defence in Belgrade.
Ten civilians and ten members of the defence system who meet the requirements of the competition and successfully pass the entrance exam will enroll in the three-year studies with the possibility of further study in master studies. The accredited study program for nurses continues the tradition of education at the former High Medical School at the Military Medical Academy established in 1956 for the needs of the YPA. The MMA, being a teaching base for numerous secondary and high schools, contributes to the continuous nurturing of the nursing profession in accordance with the modern trends of nursing appropriate to the needs of the sick providing small groups of students, quality of learning and practical training.

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