
International Epilepsy Congress

02. 05. 2009

In the organization of the MMA’s Neurology Clinic and in coordination with the Serbian League for the Fight Against Epilepsy, International Epileptology Congress was held on April 23-26, 2009, with participation of three hundred national and international experts dealing with that problem.
Among the most prominent guest lecturers who are world leading figures in this field, there were Prof. Imad Najm, the director of the Cleveland Clinic Epilepsy Center, USA,  Prof. Walter van Emde Boas, the  director of the renowned Epilepsy Center in the Netherlands - Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland, Heemstede / Zwolle, Prof. A.Covanis from Greeece and many other colleagues from France (Grenoble), Italy (Novara), Austria (Insbruck), Denmark  (Copenhagen) and Poland.
During the congress, the MMA’s Neurology Clinic and its Functional Neurology Diagnostic Unit presented their results and experiences relating to the use of drugs in the treatment of epilepsy as well as the experiences in application of diagnostic video-electroencephalography protocols in differentiation of authentic epileptic seizures from   the loss of consciousness of other etiologies.
An educational course EUREPA was run as well during the congress. It was organized under the auspice of the European Epilepsy Academy, professional association  which promotes establishment of interactive network of education and training centers.

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