International HIV/AIDS Day

03. 12. 2012

The continuous information and education program included lectures, distribution of promotional and educational materiel as well as the work of Council in Military Academy Ambulance and Center for Voluntary and Confidential Counseling and Testing (VCCT) at the Military Medical Academy.
During the month of November, Prof. Dr. Vesna Suljagic, head of the MMA’s Section for Prevention and Control of Nosocomial Infections and Major Dr. Zeljko Jadranin from the MMA’s Institute of Epidemiology dedicated their lectures to the Military Academy cadets, employees in the Military Intelligence Agency and members of the military base “Jug” and barrack “1300 kaplara”. The presentations covered the epidemiological characteristics of HIV/AIDS in Serbia and world today, specific risks of infection for the military members and its significance for the stability and security in the world. The attendees got all information about voluntary and confidential counseling and testing on HIV infection.
Center for VCCT at the MMA’s Institute of Epidemiology is open every workday from 08.00 a.m. until 03.00 p.m. while the Council in Military Academy Ambulance operates every Wednesday between the hours of 04.00 p.m. and 06.00 p.m. All concerned members of Serbian Armed Forces and Ministry of Defence may visit these Councils without the referral, obtain all answers related to infection transmission and make test on HIV. Beside these two centers for counseling there is also mobile team for VCCT which visits, if necessary, the units/facilities of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.  

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