
MMA Neurosurgeons on Pain Therapy

21. 12. 2016

Meeting on a multidisciplinary approach in the treatment of pain in the organization of the Neurosurgical Section of the Serbian Medical Society, and MMA Clinic for Neurosurgery was held at the Military Medical Academy.
MMA neurosurgeons held a series of lectures on chronic pain, the leading health problem in Europe. In addition to the classification, therapeutic possibilities and evaluation of treatment outcomes of different types of pain syndromes, it was also discussed about the differential diagnosis of lumbar ischialgia and related diseases that have a major impact on the quality of life of patients and are frequently causes of work disability. Neuromodulation was also presented - tertiary medical treatment of chronic pain, as well as experiences of the MMA Clinic for Neurosurgery regarding treatment of neuropathic pain.
Having emphasized the importance of a multidisciplinary approach, the absence of side effects and decrease of severe complication risks in all forms of pain therapy, participants had the opportunity to hear more about the role of nurses in the process of neurosurgical patients’ treatment.

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