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Marked Day against COPD

13. 11. 2015

 World Day against Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - COPD, one of the leading causes of death in the world, was marked at the Military Medical Academy.
Interested citizens had the opportunity to consult with doctors of the Pulmonary Clinic MMA on the stand set up in the area of the Specialist Outpatient Clinic MMA, and interviewed persons who showed symptoms were referred to the spirometry. More than 50 persons were referred to the specialist examination by pulmonologists and spirometry during this campaign and COPD was found in 20% of the examined. They were sent for further treatment.
Increasing awareness about the symptoms and risk factors for COPD (chronic cough, shortness of breath, smoking, age) is important in order to have timely diagnosis of the disease and to prevent further complications and lung damage.

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