News from the MMA Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology

05. 12. 2011

The members of the MMA Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology have been very active over the recent period, participating in various international events and advanced medical training programs
The SICOT World Congress
The team of the MMA Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology, composed of Col. Dr. Milomir Košutić, Col. Dr. Rajko Vulović, LtCol. Dr. Radoslav Barjaktarović, Prim. Dr. Ljubomir Pokimica, Prim. Dr. Goran Turković, and Maj. Dr. Staša Munitlak, participated in the World congress of Orthopedic Surgeons, held in Prague, Czech Republic, in Septembe, 2011. A team member Dr, Munitlak delivered a poster presentation on the External skeletal fixation as an initial treatment method applied in polytrauma patients.
Presentation sessions, which covered all the fields of orthopedic surgery and traumatology, gave the team members the opportunity to raise their awareness of the latest treatment trends and methods.
Visit to the ENDO Clinic in Hamburg
The head of the MMA Group of Surgical clinics Col. Prof. Dr. Zoran Popović, accompanied by his associates Dr Dragan Radojičić and Dr. Milomir Milanović, paid a visit to the ENDO Clinic in Hamburg, in November 2011. This Clinic has been ranked the leading in the world for the treatment of infected endoprosthesis.
The purpose of the visit was short introduction into currently the most referential protocols for the treatment of the infected hip and knee endoprostheses with the intention of implementing them into the clinical practise of the MMA Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology
Masterclass – Primary and Revision Hip Surgery
The physicians from the MMA Clinic for Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Maj. Dr
Aleksandar Radunović and Maj.Dr. Danilo Knežević completed the Primary and Revision Hip Surgery Masterclass in Prague, Czech Republic, held in November, 2011
They had a chance to discuss and review the treatment options for real patient cases with leading European experts in this field.

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