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"Perforating Veins of Lower Extremities" Presented at MMA

08. 10. 2014

Military Medical Academy was the promotion host of monograph work "Perforating Veins of Lower Extremities" authored by the Head of the MMA Institute of Radiology Asst. Prof. Dr. Leposava Sekulović and Dr. Slobodan Sekulović.
The attendees were welcomed by Professor Dr. Goran Kronja, one of the book reviewers, who stressed out that book content, with its abstracted documented scheme, represented a systematic introduction into the recognition process, as well as diagnosis and treatment of the most frequent vein diseases. He also added its significant contribution for expert literature owing to the authors’ professional opinions on etiopathogenesis and therapy made for the highest percent rate of lower extremities vein diseases.
According to Prof. Dr. Nenad Ilijevski, the book unifies the several-decades experience and theoretic knowledge adopted so far about vascular ultrasound diagnostics. Modern opinions on vein insufficiency in general, writing style and textual concept make this monograph available for wider public of readers along with representing a valuable addition to already deficient Serbian literature on vein diseases.
Beside professors Kronja and Ilijevski, among the other reviewers are Prof. Dr. Đorđe Radak and Prof. Dr. Lazar Davidović saying that covered topic has significant influence on clinical medicine concerning that different forms of vein diseases are being present in 30%-50% human population older than 40 years, but without vein ultrasound diagnostics there are no reliable findings neither rapid and qualitative treatment, especially as prophylactic measures in thrombotic and severe skin complications.
Motivation expressed by authors, several-year practice and research in vascular region diagnostics and vein diseases resulted in creating the aforementioned publication primary intended for vascular surgeons and phlebologists. However, thanks to the thematic parts including epidemiology and anatomy, adding to that chronic vein insufficiency pathophysiology and vein diseases diagnostics and therapy, it is also recommended to the wider public.

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