
Remarkable results of the MMA Ophtlamologist Surgeons

01. 01. 2009

 Belgrade, January 1 - During 2008, the MMA professional team of the Clinic for Eye Diseases lead by Col. Prof. Miroslav Vukosavljević, MD, PhD has performed 5936 surgical procedures of which 485 are posterior segment eye surgeries considered the most complex ophtlamological procedures and 83 transconjuctival sutureless vitrectomies performed under local anesthesia (MIVS 23G). The Clinic’s experts has performed as well 2567 caract surgeries applying facoemulsification method and 2692 soft intraocular lens implantations.
Working with the excimer laser during the first year of its operation, they have performed 672 excimer laser surgeries for the correction of eye dioptry, another 1151 diode laser surgeries in patients with diabete melitus and 273 Nd-Yag laser surgeries in patients with glaucoma and secundary cataract.
Having achieved such results, the Clinic for Eye Diseases has fully justified expectations of the MMA Management and the epithet of being one of the most prestige MMA organizational units.

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