
Serbian Medical Society’s Dermatology and Venereology Section

16. 05. 2009

Regular meeting of the Serbian Medical Society’s Section of Dermatology and Venereology with international participation of more than 200 dermato-venereologists from Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of Srpska was held at the Military Medical Academy. 
The Head of the MMA’s Dermatology and Venereology Clinic, Col. Assist. Prof. Radoš Zečević extended a very warm welcome to all participants to that gathering.
The latest information about the treatment of psoriasis was presented by Major Miroslav Dinić, MD in his introductory speech.
During the meeting, physicians from the MMA’s Dermatology and Venereology Clinic presented ten clinical cases.
Psoriasis is a chronic inflammatory skin disorder, and, in a certain number of cases, it is often followed by the psoriatic arthritis. In Serbia, it affects an estimated 2 to 4 percent of population. Since psoriasis is in about 80 % of cases limited to smaller areas of the skin   without   systemic spread, topical corticosteroid preparations in combination with or without salicylic acid as well as topical retinoid tazaroten are used for the treatment of this disease. In the remaining 20 percent of patients with psoriasis covering more than 10 percent of the body surface or in cases in which the disease is clinically manifested in the   form of erythrodermic and/or pustular psoriasis accompanied by joint inflammation or without it,  treatment options for psoriasis include phototherapy, systemic drugs in combination with topical therapy.
Experts from the MMA’s Dermatology and Venereology Clinic presented as well their rich experiences in using metotreksat, acitretin and cyklosporin A for the treatment of this disease


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