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Symposium on Oral Planocellular Carcinoma

27. 11. 2012

Symposium titled "Clinical Significance of Genetic and Epigenetic Changes in Oral Planocellular Carcinoma" organized by the Serbian Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons and Medical Science Academy of Serbian Medical Society has been delivered at the Military Medical Academy on November 24, 2012.
Colonel Prof. Dr. Nebojsa Jovic, head of the MMA’s Group of Surgical Clinics, opened this meeting and presented his introducing lecture covering the topic of oral planocellular carcinoma (OPCC). The continuous medical education program has been continued with the presentations by representatives of the MMA’s Clinic for Maxillofacial Surgery, the MMA’s Institute of Medical Research, Serbian Institute of Oncology and Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Belgrade.
During the symposium, the attendees had the opportunity to adopt knowledge on actual topics like OPCC molecular profile, functional P53 status as the prognostic factor concerning the head carcinoma, epigenetic basis and immune response in patients affected by OPCC disease, risks for its occurrence and preventive measures as well as modern hemiotherapy approach and OPCC radiation techniques.

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