
The Basic Chemotherapy Principles

02. 07. 2010

Belgrade, July 02, 2010. – Renowned  experts – transfusiologists from the Military Medical Academy, Prof. Dr. Bela Balint and Col. Prof. Dr. Miroljub Trkuljić and a hematologist from the Republic of Serbia Clinical Center, Assist. Prof. Dr. Milena Todorović are the authors of the recently published book under the title ‘Basic Chemotherapy Principles’, in which the authors compiled their rich knowledge and great experience relating to basic knowledge of hematopoiesis  and complex procedures in transplantation medicine. 

This monograph is intended for doctors specialists in many branches of medicine dealing with the heamotopoietic system and methods of treatment of its disorders, and researchers and students  as well who are searching for answers to numerous and  partly clarified questions such as why, when and what type of chemoproduct to use for the treatment of patients with disturbed hematopoietic homeostasis. The book provides thoroughly   elaborated and illustrated with own results, procedures for managing patients  by apheresis methods and stem cells in both classical transplantation  and regenerative medicine. The book also lists the most common and potential chemotherapy  unwanted side effects  and prevention  measures.‘’ It is one book more in the series of books of  exceptional value, and is the result of several-year long work of scientists and visionaries, Prof. Dr. Bela Balint and his colleagues.

As an exceptional and in this area a sole expert of ‘essential secrets’ of hematopoietic stem cells, Dr Balint with his associates takes us from chapter to chapter, introducing us into basic knowledge of hematopoiesis  and complex procedures applied in transplantation medicine.
This book confirms the authors’ leading position  and will put a stamp on  clinical transfusiology and transplantation medicine not only in our area but much broader’   said among other things Prof. Dr Biljana Mihaljević and Prof. Dr.  Dragana Stamatović in the review of the book.  

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