Nefrolozi SLD 2014.jpg

Treatment of Patients in Predialysis

26. 05. 2014

Symposium titled "Patients in Predialysis-Preventive and Treatment Measures", organized by the MMA Clinic for Nephrology and Serbian Medical Society’s Nephrology Section, was held at the Military Medical Academy.
Head of the MMA internal clinics group Colonel Prof. Dr. Djoko Maksic welcomed all present pointing out the aim of gathering as continuous work on improving diagnostics and treatment results in predialysis, while the Section President Prof. Dr. Zoran Kovacevic delivered the initiative lecture. He emphasized the necessity of focusing on patients with predialysis chronic kidney disease, especially those in third and fourth clinical stage.
Despite of augmented number of patients with predialysis kidney disease on the world level, this topic has been considered to be less present in the domain of scientific research, thus a continuous education of experts covering the numerous risk factors, causes, treatment, complications and significance of early therapy may contribute to prolong and improve life quality of the named patients.
The attendees had the opportunity to see the presentations of the professionals coming from the Clinical Center of Serbia, Clinical Hospital Center Zvezdara and Military Medical Academy presenting main problems and therapy characteristics for predialysis patients. A special significance was put on the relation nephrologists-other specialists, namely, cardiologists, endocrinologists, surgeons, etc.

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