
Vaccination against Seasonal Flu

25. 11. 2011

The employees of the Military Medical Academy headed by the MMA’s head Col. Prof. Dr. Marijan Novaković responded to the call to be vaccinated against seasonal flu. It was a November vaccination campaign carried our for the MMA’s employees with the aim of protecting their health, and reducing the risk of seasonal flu epidemics at the Military Medical Academy
Flu is spread from a person to a person, thus, causing epidemics or pandemics, and infecting millions of people. The intensity of such a condition, i.e. disease, varies from mild to a very serious and even lethal in some cases. Therefore, the best recommendable way to protect against this disease is to be vaccinated every year.
Vaccination against seasonal flu is recommended to patients with chronic cardiac, pulmonary or renal diseases, diabetics, those over 65, children, public servants such as healthcare workers (to protect themselves in the first place and their patients as well), law enforcement officers, military, persons who live or care for people in high-risk group, i. e. medical professionals responsible for patients belonging to risk groups, and parents or persons responsible for children less then six months of age, because these children are too young to be vaccinated. The seasonal flu vaccines give around 70 to 80% protection against infection

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