
World Asthma Day at MMA

05. 05. 2016

On the occasion of 5th May, the World Asthma Day that has been marking worldwide by holding various events, the Clinic for Pulmonology of the Military Medical Academy organized consultations for all interested citizens. The aim of this event was to raise the awareness on the importance of diagnostics, treatment, achievement and the adequate control of asthma. The citizens’ interest was great and the spirometry test was performed in all with the suspicion of asthma symptoms.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory airways characterized by the increased reaction to different stimuli and airway obstruction due to mucosal edema, accumulation of mucus and smooth muscle spasm. Asthma is a disease with a spectrum of symptoms, manifested differently according to their frequency and intensity and can occur in all age groups. It is considered that 300 million people are ill with asthma all over the world and according to the research the number is in an increase especially among the younger population. The key point in asthma treatment is the proper diagnostics and treatment because adhering to the recommendations and advice one can have normal, active life with asthma.

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