The medical residency programs organized in Military Medical Academy cover the fields of medicine.
List of Specializations
Who and How May Attend the Specialization
Professional members of the Serbian Armed Forces entry to Military Medical Academy specialization through an open competition, announced by the MOD Human Resources Department.
The healthcare providers from the Serbian medical institutions (public and private) are received on MMA’s residency programs according to the medical facility referral and only under the condition that the specialization is validated by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Serbia. Click on the Ministry of Health web presentation (www.zdravlje.gov.rs) to see the specialization requirements and admission procedure.
The persons coming from the Serbian medical institutions may carry out the complete or one part of the residency at the Military Medical Academy. The condition for passing the specialist exam in front of the MMA’s Committee is completed at least the half of the residency.
The persons who are not citizens of the Republic of Serbia can also apply for the specialization provided with the acceptance of the Defence Minister.
There is no possibility to apply through the voluntary organizations.
Organization of Residency Programs
The residency is carried out in Military Medical Academy completely or partially whilst teaching process is organized through the lectures, exercises, seminary courses, consultancies and mentor or practical work.
After his arrival, the specialist meets the specialization medical curriculum and respective Chair delivers him the mentor.
The second and third year of studies include two-semester theoretical teaching as well as teaching of the mutual subjects (Medical Statistics, Methodology of Scientific-Research Work, Medical Informatics, Molecular Biology and Immunology, War Medicine). Residents who are taking the exam in front of the MMA’s Committee have the obligation to attend this teaching process.
The members of the Specialist Examination Committee are elected every year by Teaching-Scientific Council and accordingly to the proposals given by the respective Chairs and the MMA’s Graduate Studies Council. The Committees are made of 3 to 5 teachers; at least one of them is not the MMA’s staff.
Specialist Exam Submission
The exam is submitted in the Sector for Education and Scientific-Research Work between 1st and 10th day in the month and directly after the completed residency.
It can be submitted also two months after the completed residency, only with the Chair’s affirmation and mentor’s proposition that the specialist has acquired the competences of the residency curriculum.
For the exam submission, specialist presents the following documents:
·         Completed application form with the signatures of the mentor and Chair’s head;
·         Completed and ratified student book, with the mentor’s conclusion;
·         Two copies of the specialist thesis, in case it is determined by the teaching curriculum;
·         Evidences on payment for application, passing of exam and diploma (for the self-paying residents).
The Examination Committees are elected in the Secretariat of Teaching-Scientific Council, the 11th day in month or the first Monday in case the 11th is the day of weekend, along with the obligatory presence of the mentor. In case the mentor can not come, the presence of the Chair’s member selected by the mentor is mandatory.  
Specializations Price List
The fees of submission, residency, taking of the exam, issuing of diplomas, transcripts, certificates and duplicates are determined by special decision and accordingly to the affirmative regulations.

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