
Another successful transplantation in the MMA

09. 03. 2018

Kidney transplantation was successfully done in N.M. (1993) from Boževec, Malo Crnice at the MMA.
This is the seventh kidney transplantation along with one liver transplantation that have been successfully performed in the MMA since the beginning of the year, which is a good result of the MMA transplant program in the first quarter of 2018. After determined brain death and with the previous donor’s family approval, two kidney and liver transplants have been performed so far, and the other five kidney transplants are live-related transplants.
Kidney transplants during this year are characterized by the frequency of related donation, and the most common providers of this organ were mothers to their children, as it is now the case. Twenty-five-year-old kidney recipient N.M. was on the home dialysis for about six months, and owing to the transplantation, he is looking forward to a better quality of life
The entire transplant program in the MMA, which involves demanding surgical techniques, has been successfully implemented without early surgical complications. Also, due to modern induction immunosuppressive therapy with maintenance immunosuppressive therapy, there was no acute organ rejection. Further monitoring of transplanted patients will be continued according to the principle of multidisciplinary management of patients for the long-term and quality survival of patients and transplanted organs.
During 2017, two transplantations of the liver, 20 kidney transplants (six cadaveric and 14 live donors) and 60 transplantations of hematopoietic stem cells (33 allogeneic and 27 autologous) were performed at the Military Medical Academy.
The program of organ bequeathing was launched at the Military Medical Academy in 2002, and over 1000 citizens sign a donor card in the MMA annually. For more information, see: Organ bequeathing program.

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