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Czech cadets at the Medical Faculty of the MMA


Cadets of the fourth year of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Defence of the Czech Republic, within the framework of the regular practice of cadet exchange, are visiting the Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy (MF MMA) of the University of Defence in Belgrade from 6 August to 1 September 2017.


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MMA’s doctors - participants in the international course in Shanghai


Three doctors of the Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of the Military Medical Academy, Assistant Professor Dr. Zorica Brdareski, Lt Col Dr. Dejan Ilic and Dr. Maja Pavlovic participated in the international course of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine which was held from July 14 to 21, 2017 in Shanghai, the People's Republic of China.


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High level of expertise shown at the exercise "Saber Guardian 17 - MASCAL"


Participants of the exercise "Saber Guardian 17 - MASCAL", among whom were also members of the Military Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia, during the past seven days spent at the military airbase, "Mihail Kogalniceanu" in Romania, had the opportunity to present the achieved level of capabilities in providing medical care to the population in crisis situations.


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Cooperation with German toxicologists


A two-member delegation of the Medical Service of the Bundeswehr Armed Forces led by Lieutenant Colonel Timo Wille visited the National Poison Control Center (NPCC) of the Military Medical Academy.



Preparations for trilateral medical engagement


The five-member delegation of the Military Healthcare Department of the Ministry of Defence participated in the Main Planning Conference on the upcoming joint medical engagement of the member staff of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, the Ohio National Guard and the Armed Forces of the Republic of Angola.



Delegation of the Republic of Armenia visited MMA


Deputy Defence Minister David Pahchanjan and Deputy Chief of the Defence Policy Department of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Armenia Sergey Abramjan visited the Military Medical Academy.


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Cooperation potentials with Japan


H.E. Ambassador of Japan in Belgrade, Juichi Takahara, with associates, visited the Military Medical Academy in order to establish cooperation in the field of research, innovation, and application of modern technologies in medicine.


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About continuation of military medical cooperation with the Kingdom of Norway


The meeting of the Joint Working Group and the Steering Committee within the military medical cooperation of the Kingdom of Norway and the Republic of Serbia was held at the Military Medical Academy.


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Possibilities of military medical cooperation with Poland


Chief of Medical Service of the Armed Forces of Poland, Brigadier General Stanislaw Zmudz visited the Military Medical Academy.


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Transfusiologists from Slovenia visited MMA


Five representatives of the Institute of Transfusion Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia, led by a professional director Dr. Polonca Mali visited the Institute of Transfusion and hemobiology of the Military Medical Academy.




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