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23.04.2014 | MMA Awarded with the Order of the Star of Karađorđe of 3rd Class

Marking the April 23rd- Serbian Armed Forces Day, by the decree of the President of the Republic of Serbia, Military Medical Academy has been awarded with the Order of the Star of Karađorđe of 3rd Class.


17.04.2014 | Rehabilitation and Osteoarthritis

Professional meeting named „Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal System Injuries as Rehabilitation Problem“ organized by the MMA Clinic for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation and Serbian Association of Medical Nurses-Technicians in Rehabilitation and Rheumatology Serbia took place at the Military Medical Academy.


17.04.2014 | Colorectal Cancer Treatment

Workshop carrying the title ''Outcomes of Resection and Aims of Treatment for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer'', organized by the MMA Clinic for General Surgery, Clinic for Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Institute of Radiology, Pharmacy Sector and Institute of Pathology and Forensic Medicine was held at the Military Medical Academy.


17.04.2014 | German Urologist Visited MMA

One of the most eminent urologists in the field of endoscopic retroperitoneal adrenalectomy, Martin Karl Walz from Essen, Germany visited the MMA Clinic for Urology.


16.04.2014 | Annual Report of the MMA National Poison Control Center

According to good clinical practice, already present in the European Association of Poison Control Centers, National Poison Control Center of the Military Medical Academy has published its fourth yearbook. This year, it has been supported with the information provided from the other healthcare institutions in Serbia.


16.04.2014 | HIV/AIDS and the other Sexually Transmitted Infections among AF Members

Continuous medical education course covering the topic of HIV/AIDS and the other sexually transmitted infections important for military personnel will be held at the Military Medical Academy on April 22nd, 2014.


14.04.2014 | Course on Autoimmune Bullous Dermatoses

Accredited continuous medical education course on autoimmune bullous dermatoses diagnostics and treatment, organized by Serbian Medical Society’s Dermatovenerology Section and the MMA Clinic for Dermatovenerology, took place at the Military Medical Academy.


14.04.2014 | Thoracic Surgery News

Symposium presenting actual topics in the field of thoracic surgery, organized by the MMA Clinic for Chest Surgery was held at the Military Medical Academy.


11.04.2014 | Annual Awards for the Best Scientific Papers

Celebrating the Day of Serbian Armed Forces, Central Military Club hosted the annual award ceremony for the best scientific research project, Ph.D thesis and master work within the Defence Ministry and Serbian Armed Forces and the best article published in the magazine “Vojno delo”.


10.04.2014 | Akademac in Tournament Semifinals "Playing for Sixteen"

MMA Football Club Akademac placed among the semifinal teams in memorial tournament of Radio Television of Serbia named "Playing for Sixteen" which gathered 162 teams.



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