
Surgeons from Japan in the visit to the Military Medical Academy

10.09.2008 | Top news, International Cooperation

Within the framework of intensified international cooperation and exchange of medical experiences, the Military Medical Academy received a visit from eminent Japanese surgeons Prof. Hitoshi Shiozaki, PhD, a director of the Kinki University Hospital in Osaka, and Prof. Hironori Shigeoka, PhD from the PL General Hospital in Osaka.



The Beginning of Schooling of the Reserve Officers School new Class

08.09.2008 | Top news

The beginning of schooling of the 94th Class of the Medical Services Reserve Officers School and the 92nd Class of the Veterinary Services Reserve Officers School was officially marked in the amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy.



The best in the 93rd Class of the Reserve Officers School

29.08.2008 | Top news

A day before the students of the 93rd Class officially completed the Reserve Officers School of the Serbian Armed Forces Medical Services, an official ceremony was held in the Amphitheater of the Military Medical Academy to promote the best students in the Class.



IN MEMORIAM LtGen. Prof. Vladimir Vojvodić, MD,PhD, (1930-2008)

27.08.2008 | Top news

On 27.08.2008, retired Lieutenant General Prof. Vladimir Vojvodić, MD, PhD, ex head of Military Medical Academy and Yugoslav Armed Forces Medical Services died of a severe disease he suffered from for a long time.


Out Into the World to Learn More

22.08.2008 | Top news, International Cooperation

The MMA Teaching-Scientific Council took, at its previous session, a decision to send eight Military Medical Academy’s staff members abroad for advanced training purposes.



Cooperation of the Military Medical Academy with the Fyodorov Eye Clinic

21.08.2008 | Top news, International Cooperation

Head of the MMA Eye Clinic Col. Prof. Miroslav Vukosavljević, MD, PhD, is paying a visit to Kaluga, Russia, at the invitation of a director and chief surgeon of the IRTC "Eye Microsurgery", Kaluga Clinic, Prof. Tereshchenko Alexander Vladimirovich.



Elemir residents for the MMA patients: the action of voluntary blood donation

21.08.2008 | Top news,

At the initiative of Elemir residents, a mobile team of the MMA Institute of Transfusiology went to this Vojvodina place where, in a coordinated manner with the Voluntary Blood Donors Association of the Republic of Serbia, it organized the action of voluntary blood donation through which 39, 52 liters of blood from 76 donors were collected.



Serbo-German Military Medical Cooperation

18.08.2008 | Top news, International Cooperation

The delegation of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia headed by the Head of the Military Medical Academy(VMA) general-major prof.dr.Miodrag Jevtic will be staying for a visit during the period from the 17th till the 19th August 2008 at the medical facilities of the Command of the Armed Forces of Germany.



Employees of the Serbian Oil Gas Company NIS-Naftagas Donated Blood

09.08.2008 | Top news,

Members of the Voluntary Blood Donors Association of the Serbian Oil&Gas Company NIS-Naftagas in Novi Sad and the MMA Institute of Transfusiology organized a blood donation campaign involving 30 employees of this company.



A New Digital Mammography Equipment was Set up

06.08.2008 | Top news

the Military Medical Academy, a new digital mammography was implemented to the Institute of Radiology.




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